Necromancer’s Lair [Work-In-Progress Skyrim Mod]

Description: Necromancer’s Lair is a short, early game, side quest dungeon built for Skyrim. In the level, the player takes out a gang of nefarious necromancers who have made their base in an old Nord tomb. I’m still working on the quest logic and level layout to an extent, so the work presented here isn’t considered final, but I thought I’d show what I’ve done so far.

Platforms: PC

Team: none (solo project)

Type: Personal Project

Role: Level Designer

Core Responsibilities: Level Design, Lighting, Prop Placement, Nav Mesh, Scripting

Tools: Skyrim Creation Kit

Still a WIP, not currently available to download

Gameplay Video

Please excuse the poor frame rate, this is running on a pretty old Macbook.